Customer Story: The Green Block
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Customer Story: LED Group Company Ltd
We spoke to Debbie Richards of LED Group who leases an office at the Bracknell Enterprise and Innovation Hub to find out what she thought of the service provided to her.
Customer Story: Cegos UK Ltd
We Interviewed Sharon Wiggins from Cegos. Cegos are a training company, they are truly global – with 50 offices around the world, they have more than 90 years’ training experience. Watch their video to find out more!
Customer Story: Henry and Jobs UK Ltd
Henry and Jobs supply and distribute high quality specialist materials for both small and large projects within the UK. They focus on the provision of luxury mineral paints which have been carefully sourced and diligently supplied with the addition of recommended workforce to attribute towards the application process. Their specialist products can be used in projects involving architectural design finishes, landscaping and waterproofing.